Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Life on Guam

This month of 4th, I arrived the awesome island Guam to start my 2 months internship. After arrived here, the first impression that came to my mind was that... Woah! It is a really countryside place. As a person whom grown up in the city and never lived in the countryside before, it was a big shock actually! But honestly, I didn't take too much time to adapt the life here. 

There were two things that I am really proud of myself that I've done in the first week were that I borrowed the bike to ride outside alone when I haven't known any of locals here. It took almost 2 hours from my workplace to the awesome place Hagana. I really love the view of the beach when passing around. Secondly, I met an awesome person on Couchsurfing site whom I haven't met in person yet until now. I am a Christian, and of course I don't want to miss the Lord day every Sunday. So I messaged a person that I think we might matches, and I told him if he could tell me the nearest church to my workplace. Due to he had the toothache, he couldn't ride me there. I walked for thirty minutes long after I offed my work to the the place called "Safe House." Seriously, it was quite embarrassed that I entered into a room while church ppl. practiced singing, and I introduced myself that someone told me this place and there is a meeting at night. Fortunately, ppl. there are really nice and welcome me! I also met awesome friends there in church, especially an awesome young pastor friend. This experience made me believe that church the best family in the world. No matter where you are, as long as you are a follower of the God, then he will guide you a road to go. That is also the main reason why I love here.

I really love my job and my life on Guam so far. I always tell people or my colleagues whom I met that I always feel like at home here. However, I am telling the truth! I didn't lie! Even though Guam is really small, I can explore the culture and the lifestyle here more easily because it is small. There is a saying on Guam, "Every one knows every one, because Guam is really small." Exactly! So don't do the bad things to ruin yourself, because every one knows every one. Lol. Comparing the culture here and my country (Taiwan), are really different! I love Taiwan, but I also love here! I really love exploring the cultural differences and to learn each's pro and to adopt it in my life! For me, maybe two months are really too short! There are many things that I still want to figure out and experience! If I have an opportunity, I would plan to work here in the US. or other English speaking countries after I go back to Taiwan. I want to save money and travel around the world step by step! Since living here, sometimes I'd start to think things that I've done before and to think of God made me the way I go when I am alone or in the room. There is another reason why I am in love here is that... I am using English living here. Actually I was the one whom couldn't understand a word in English five years ago, but there was a voice came up to my mind telling me that I have to learn it! That is why I started to learn this language my own, the more I learn, the more I figure out more cultural differences, the more I like to research about languages and to explore by traveling, the more I get more friends from other countries, and the more opportunities I can get to experience! 

Thanks god's bless made me met awesome friends here, no matter people I met online, church or my workplace. I do treasure every of my day staying here! I know days staying here will be less and less, but I know it will be my best summer in college. And I know this experience make me more confirm my plan in the future! Thank you the lord, Jesus! You are my path, and I wish you can bless people around me, especially my friends and my lovely co-workers. Thank you the lord in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

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